Selected coursework (* indicates graduate course): Real Analysis (18.100B), Complex Analysis (Harvard MATH 113), Nonlinear Dynamics (12.006), Theory of Probability (18.675*), Theory of Partial Differential Equations (18.152), Abstract Algebra (18.701), Solar System Dynamics (12.603*), Planetary Science (Harvard E-PSCI 220*), Design and Analysis of Algorithms (18.410)
Fall ’23 coursework: Modeling Environmental Complexity (12.586*), Algebraic Topology (18.905*), Physical Mathematics (Harvard APMTH 201*)
Leiden University
Undergraduate Researcher | Advisors: Paul Carter, Arjen Doelman
MIT Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
Undergraduate Researcher | Advisor: Daniel Rothman
AEye, Inc.
Research Intern | Advisor: Allan Steinhardt
MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
Undergraduate Researcher
NASA Exoplanet Watch
Student Researcher
P Yeung, Q Perian, P Robertson, M Fitzgerald, M Fowler, F Sienkiewicz, and K Tock. Searching for Transit Timing Variations and Fitting a New Ephemeris to Transits of TrES-1 b, JKAS, 55, 111, August 2022 (arXiv:2207.01559).
E Yang, D Mendoza, PA Mendoza, V Pandian, K Tota, and P Yeung. Analyzing Transit Timing Variations of Qatar-1 b. JAAVSO, 50, 20, June 2022.
P Yeung. Supporting Students and Researchers in a Virtual Exoplanet Research Workshop. American Association of Variable Star Observers Annual Meeting, November 2021.
P Yeung. Science Education for Scientific Literacy: Involving Students in Citizen Science Initiatives. American Geophysical Union, December 2020. Abstract #ED045-0005.
MIT Undergraduate Society for Women in Mathematics
President (2023-24)
Corporate Relations Chair (2022-23)
MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium
Research Scholar, Cohort 2 (2023-24)
Student Council Member (2022-23)
Undergraduate Math Association
Mentor for 18.100A/B Real Analysis (2022)
DEI & Outreach Committee Member (2021-22)
Exoplanet Research Workshop
Founder, President
The Tech
Weather Reporter
Into the Zooniverse, Volume III
Interviewed researchers hosting projects on Zooniverse and co-authored book detailing projects and their broader impacts.
Citizen Science Primer (
Writing an introduction to community-driven science. Currently paused.
Battlecode 2022
Programmed an autonomous game player in Java in a team of 2, ranking top 32 in US.