Hello! I am a third-year undergraduate at MIT studying mathematics and planetary science. I’m broadly interested in the theory of dynamical systems and its applications in the earth and planetary sciences. Some of my other interests include science education and policy and the design of community-based science.

Email address: pcy (at) mit (dot) edu

Research Overview

In summer 2023, I participated in the UC Irvine and Leiden University REU on partial differential equations and pattern formation, where our project focused on front dynamics in the Gatenby-Gawlinski reaction-diffusion model for tumor growth. My work investigated criteria for the stability of planar interfaces in the three-component tumor growth system, helping to understand tumor spread in multiple spatial dimensions.

At MIT, I do research on the dynamics of the carbon cycle in the Rothman Group in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences to investigate the observability of predictions from dynamical systems theory in isotopic time series data. My research in dynamical systems will be supported by the MIT Climate and Sustainability Scholars program in the 2023-24 school year.

Previously, I worked with Dr. Allan Steinhardt at AEye, Inc. on developing algorithms for denoising and analyzing lidar waveforms and point cloud data and conducted exoplanet research as part of NASA’s Exoplanet Watch program. My CV includes a more complete summary of my work.


I am a co-president of the MIT Undergraduate Society for Women in Mathematics (USWIM). I was previously a real analysis mentor and board member for the Undergraduate Mathematics Association (UMA).

During the first few years of the NASA Exoplanet Watch program, I helped to expand its reach significantly, presenting on our work in astronomy and science education at conferences including the AGU Fall Meeting and the AAVSO Annual Meeting. As an intern with the Adler Zooniverse team in 2021, I co-authored the third volume of Into the Zooniverse.